
Translation Memory

Human translation with all the advantages of modern technology

When it comes to translation there's no substitute for human expertise. But we do believe in making use of advances in technology to aid our translators in their work.

Translation Memory software, such as Trados or MemoQ, creates a dynamic database of translated text segments and allows these segments to be automatically suggested (or remembered), should identical or similar segments of text need to be translated again in the future. Translation Memory tools literally act as a computerised memory for the translator. In practice this has the following advantages:


If you need to translate a high volume of text, or regularly need to translate similar documents, the use of TM software can save you money, as repeated or similar segments can be charged at a reduced rate.

Faster turnaround time

TM software can also dramatically reduce the time needed to translate a document. Reusing segments of previously translated text automatically reduces the amount of new words that need to be translated.

Higher level of consistency

TM tools help to maintain consistency both within the same document as well as across multiple texts as the translations of repeated segments can be saved and reused. This means phrases or sentences that are repeated in the source documents will be translated the same way every time.